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More information about the Bitcare app
The Bitcare parent app offers many advantages, which we would like to list:
- Planning: you can see on which days and times your child is scheduled.
- Leave & sickness: you can easily report leave or sickness via the app, the group can immediately see who is and who is not coming.
- Day care: report absence before 8.30 am
- After school care, short schooldays until 12-13.00 pm: report absence before 8.30 am
- After school care, long schooldays until 14-15.00 pm: report absence before 13.00 pm
- After school care, study/vacation days: report absence before 8.30 am
- Exchange and extra days: an exchange or extra day can be requested via the app. After approval from Mirakel, this day is registered for you.
- Request feedback: you will receive a push notification on your phone when your request is approved or rejected.
- Photos: daily you can view a photo of an activity on the group.
Because this is a test period, we want to adhere to the permission you have previously given for photo / film use in the coming month. If you have indicated that your child can be photographed for social media use, we will also include this permission for this month for use in Bitcare. In this way you can experience what this photo use entails within the private environment of Bitcare.
If you still do not want a photo of your child to be posted in Bitcare, we would like to ask you to pass this on to the group or supervisor of the location.
- Chat: you can chat with the group employees and they with you. Handy for short and concise messages.
- Adjusting personal details: you can report a change of address yourself.
- Finances: you can view your invoices and annual statement.
- Bitcare has strict procedures for safeguarding the privacy of data.

Mirakel hoofdkantoor
Parlevinker 19-21
1186 ZA Amstelveen
Tel: 020-6613035
© 2019 Mirakel Kinderopvang.