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General information
Exchange, extra, study days
Exchange days
Within all packages you can use the exchange service, but under the following conditions:
- Exchanging days is a service provided by Mirakel; no rights can be derived from this. This means that we cannot guarantee that all missed days can be made up.
- A public holiday or strike day cannot be converted into a replacement day.
- Exchange days must be taken within the same calendar year and expire on 31 December of each year.
- Parents with a 48- and 46-week arrangement can only exchange days in the weeks of their contract.
- At the end of the placement agreement, the days of absence expire. These hours cannot be used to buy more days after the childcare has ended.
- xchange days can be requested at least one month to two weeks in advance.
Extra days
In addition to exchange days, extra days can also be requested at the applicable daily rate. Here too, occupancy is leading.
Study days
On study days, children can come to the childcare from 8:30 am – 6:30 pm. However, we can only offer this service when more than 5 children are present. For clarity on the number of registrations for a study day, please contact the manager of the branche where your child is placed.

Pratical information
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Mirakel headquarter
Visiting address:
Parlevinker 19-21
1186 ZA Amstelveen
Tel: 020-6613035
© 2019 Mirakel Kinderopvang.