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Parents’ committee
Kinderopvang Mirakel considers the relationship with our parents very important. After all, we take care of part of the upbringing and that makes a strong bond of trust indispensable.
The parent committees play an important role in this. Through these committees, parents can influence the course of events at the branches.
A parents’ committee meets four times a year to help think about and advise on current issues within the facility, such as safety, the children’s activities on offer or the food policy.
Are you interested in joining a parents’ committee? If so, please email info@kdvmirakel.nl.

Pratical information
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What does childcare cost?
Request a guided tour
Mirakel headquarter
Visiting address:
Parlevinker 19-21
1186 ZA Amstelveen
Tel: 020-6613035
© 2019 Mirakel Kinderopvang.