020 - 661 35 07

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General information

Opening hours

Childcare Mirakel is open 52 weeks a year, five days a week from 7.30am to 6.30pm for its locations in Amsterdam and Amstelveen. The locations in De Ronde Venen are open 51 weeks a year.

The out-of-school care is open during holidays from 8.00 am to 6.30 pm and on study days from 8.30 am to 6.30 pm.

We are closed on generally recognised public holidays and on 5, 24 en 31 Decembre we are also closed at 4.00pm.

Closing days Kinderopvang Mirakel 
1 January Newjearsday: Mirakel is closed
1 April 2e Easterday
9 May Ascension day
20 May Whit Monday
5 Decembre Saint Nicholas: Mirakel is closed at 4.00pm
24 Decembre Christmas Eve: Mirakel is closed at 4.00pm
25 Decembre 1st Christmas Day: Mirakel is closed
26 Decembre Boxing Day: Mirakel is closed
31 Decembre New Years Eve: Mirakel is closed at 4.00pm


© 2019 Mirakel Kinderopvang.