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Pedagogical approach
Healthy lifestyle
At Mirakel Childcare, we contribute to developing a healthy lifestyle for children. We do this by focusing on a healthy diet and plenty of exercise in our nutrition policy.
Nutrition policy
A healthy diet is important for a child’s health. Wholemeal bread, fresh fruit and dairy products are therefore part of what we offer the children. Variety in nutrition is also important. Both for nutrients, and for the development of taste.
As a childcare centre, we have an exemplary role with regard to building a healthy diet. We therefore consider it important to contribute in a positive way to children’s healthy development.
Mealtimes play an important role in children’s social-emotional development. At the table, stories are shared, they learn to listen to each other and take each other into account. At mealtimes, the emphasis is therefore not only on stimulating eating. Creating a relaxed and cosy atmosphere in which every child feels safe is at least as important. The pedagogical staff play an important role in this. They set an example and encourage the children to eat, but do not force them. During the day, there are fixed joint meal times. An exception is the babies, who follow their own rhythm.
During cooking activities, parties and treats, we also take healthy eating into account. At the KDV, for instance, a healthy treat is the standard. At the BSO, children no longer have treats, but of course we celebrate a birthday party where the birthday boy or girl is put in the spotlight. When a child says goodbye at the BSO, a healthy treat can be given.
Our full nutrition policy can be requested from the branch manager.
Besides healthy food, it is also important for a child’s development to get plenty of exercise, alone or together with others. Exercise contributes to health and the development of motor skills. It also helps cognitive development, social and emotional development and even language development.
We give children space in their play to discover their own limits, which helps them learn to assess risks and develop self-confidence. The little ones learn this at the weekly toddler gym, but also by playing outside every day: cycling, clambering over the play hill or playing with other play elements in the garden.
The BSOs’ gardens also contain all kinds of play elements, such as a tumbling frame, trampoline or football cage. There is also plenty of room for free play, so sometimes the children drag small tree trunks to make their own hut or make witch soup from all the materials they can find in the garden. In addition, every day a sports or play activity is devised for the children to take part in.

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Mirakel headquarter
Visiting address:
Parlevinker 19-21
1186 ZA Amstelveen
Tel: 020-6613035
© 2019 Mirakel Kinderopvang.