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Pedagogical approach
Mirakel has more than 30 years of pedagogical knowledge and experience and we have also been inspired by a number of theories. We believe that children are explorers and creative thinkers. We stimulate this by setting up our locations inside and out in such a way that it invites and challenges children to explore and research. One time we examine the behaviour of a snail family and the next time we paint a beautiful tinkered hat. There is also a lot of attention for playing, both indoors and outdoors. We also find it important to look closely and actively listen to what children have to say and to take them seriously.
We have drawn up a number of pedagogical goals to ensure the good and healthy development of our children.
We find it important that our children:
- feel safe;
- be able to develop his/her own capacities;
- be able to develop socially;
- values and standards;
- be encouraged in their linguistic and cognitive development;
- to give free rein to their creativity and imagination;
- develop their motor skills through music lessons, gymnastics and craft activities.

Pratical information
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What does childcare cost?
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Mirakel headquarter
Visiting address:
Parlevinker 19-21
1186 ZA Amstelveen
Tel: 020-6613035
© 2019 Mirakel Kinderopvang.